viernes, julio 11, 2008

La paradoja del "cojifaje"

Una explicación de la paradoja contenida en la palabra baúl que una lectora de este espacio nos hizo llegar, cojifaje:

“a word cannot lead to an opposition that implies it; if we define A as ‘B and not B’ we know that we have an impossible term or a false definition. However, portmanteau words, such as cojifaje (cojer and fajar) can lead to such contradictions (since there is fajar that is not cojer). These words only give their sense when we take it that one side gives the sense of the other and the reverse (the sense of cojifaje is ‘fajar and cojer’ or ‘cojer and fajar’). When we claim that nonsense words ‘say their own sense’ we imply that their sense cannot be determined elsewhere and that this sense is itself contradictory; the sense is acquired through self-stating and through the stating of a contradiction”


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Mi querido _._: Últimamente he pensado en la vida, y cada vez que convence más que, muy bien, se le puede definir como la máxima bagword.

Un abrazo.

10:15 p.m.  

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